
Polyester Fiber Panel - Worth the buy or Not?

Acoustic Panel - Worth the buy or Not? If you are looking for an affordable material to use for sound proofing, there are tons of product that you will see...

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How to install Stair Nosing?

Nosing is a horizontal aluminum material usually placed at the edge of the stair. The reason why mostly of residential and commercial area put a stair nosing is because it...

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What to know about PVC Flooring Tiles

What is PVC Flooring Tiles? When you are renovating or building a house, one of the most needed material is the flooring. but have you heard the PVC Flooring tiles?...

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How to get rid of echo in your room?

HOW TO GET RID OF ECHO IN A ROOM? Sometimes we get bothered if we are trying to record something and yet, there are still echoes in the background or...

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Room Soundproofing Tips

Most Important Room Soundproofing Tips Soundproofing is the process of using specially designed materials intended for one of two things; either reduce the amount of unwanted sound passing back and...

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