Soundproof vs Sound Absorb

If you suffer from annoying neighbors or start a band in the house, you might want to consider soundproof your room. Many often find themselves having difficulty understanding the difference between soundproof and sound absorb.

This article is designed to help you clarify them. 

Soundproofing is the process of blocking noise from entering a room.

Sound absorption is the process of absorbing sound waves within a room so they don’t create echo.

 For example, when sound from a loudspeaker collides with the walls of a room part of the sound's energy is reflected, part is transmitted, and part is absorbed into the walls. Just as the sound energy was transmitted through the air as pressure differentials (or deformations), the sound energy travels through the material which makes up the wall in the same manner. Deformation causes mechanical losses via conversion of part of the sound energy into heat, resulting in sound attenuation, mostly due to the wall's viscosity. Similar attenuation mechanisms apply for the air and any other medium through which sound travels.

Sound Absorption

Controlling noise through sound absorption can be an extremely effective method of lessening the echo and noise within a space. Products that are designed to absorb sound are made with soft materials that can soak up the sound as it hits its surfaces. Our acoustic wall panels and stretched fabric systems All of these products are built specifically with absorption in mind. Whether it’s excessive noise in an office, poor speech intelligibility in a classroom or a disturbing echo in a village hall – a selection of cleverly placed sound absorbing materials on the walls and/or ceiling will help to resolve an array of noise issues. Whilst the term ‘sound absorption’ is less frequently heard, it’s probably the method we undertake the majority of the time – even if we are approached to provide a ‘soundproofing’ solution.


Soundproofing or sound blocking with sound insulating material stops sound from entering or leaving a room. Soundproofing materials are mostly solid and heavy – the action of physically blocking sound requires it to be dense enough to reflect sound and keep it enclosed in one space. Soundproofing isn’t always the go-to solution when someone has a problem with noise, but there are definitely circumstances where soundproofing is the most suitable method. Theatres, cinemas and TV/Radio studios often need to use soundproofing to resolve issues of unwanted sound entering or leaving a room. We’ve worked on a number of projects where part of the solution has been to provide soundproofing methods. A project at Mintel’s studio in London required us to construct a metal stud framework covered with 2 layers of soundblock plasterboard to ensure sound did not escape the studio space. Where the brief is to stop disturbances travelling into or out of a room, soundproofing is the solution to go for.

Does Foam Absorb sound OR Soundproof sound

Acoustic Foam is designed to reduce echoes for an improved sound quality within a specified location. It does not stop sound transferring through your wall from your neighbor or from leaving your room.


Does Installing Foam Add Value to a Home?

Working out whether something will add value to your property is an understandable thing to consider when making changes. After all, space, budget spending, timeline are all things to put into consideration. Sound Improvement is a one time investment that protects your home with more privacy. We recommend homeowner and commercial owners to install foams. It's easy, affordable and a quick fix to your solution.


We have helped over 1000 residential owners and commercial owners to solve their noise issue. Listen to what some of them says. 



Acoustic Foams come in many different styles and colors. Here are some examples.


Learn more about before and after soundproof differences. 

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